Hey there!
I'm Melissa Joy Bermudez, founder of MJB style solutions and I passionately believe you have to love who you are now, not just who you were yesterday or who you hope to be tomorrow. You have to start with NOW. Ready to invest in your NOW ? Let me help you identify, embrace and celebrate your TRUE style!
With over a decade's experience in styling & visual merchandising on both a regional and national level at ZARA and other retailers, I had the privilege of meeting and styling people all over the country. I learned that regardless of size, shape or style, you want more than to look good - you want to FEEL good- CONFIDENT, COMFORTABLE & LIKE YOUR TRUE SELF. We all have an insecurity about something. Maybe its our weight, our height or the brands we can't afford, but it's time to stop allowing those insecurities to hold us back from living our best life. Whatever your style goal, WE CAN MAKE IT HAPPEN.
There is more than an external transformation that happens for my clients. It's more than the wider smile, prouder stance or even the nicer clothes. It's an internal energy that CREATES CONFIDENCE. Hearing that they feel more confident, landed the job of their dreams, found the perfect partner or just get more excited to get dressed in the morning, let's me know I'm doing my job!
My mission is to help you use your personal style to reflect your INNER GREATNESS!

** MJB style solutions also believes in our shared responsibility to help extend the lifecycle of our clothing and keep them out of our landfills! All items collected from any services can be elected for local donations.